Enabling your organization to manage ANY type of inspection, audit, or quality assurance activity is the core of Pervidi. Withyou can easily configure any template/form to meet your specific requirements and regulations, you can use Pervidi as a point-solution (which automates a specific requirements such as crane inspection for example), or expand the use of Pervidi to track multiple competencies and areas.
Automatic Corrective Actions
You can configure Pervidi to automatically create Corrective Actions based on deficiencies recorded by your inspectors.. These Corrective Actions can be automatically emailed to the appropriate user with all the information required to rectify or correct the deficiency.
Proactive Triggers and Notifications
Pervidi’s Trigger engine automatically emails alerts, notifications and reports based on dynamic criteria defined by you! For example, Pervidi can send a weekly email to area supervisors with all the overdue activities in their areas.
Custom Reports
Working together with Pervidi’s in house technicians you can specify your means of your use and the appropriate output for the data collected through your inspection process/checklist. Custom reports can be created specifically for your businesses needs. Please discuss with us your businesses needs to allow our data technicians to advise you on the best possibly solution for your business and inspection process.
Pervidi software being used to generate a custom report for a clients specific needs.
Deficiency Life Cycle
Pervidi tracks deficiencies and ensures a complete cradle-to-grave life cycle, including alerts and management reporting. This ensures that all deficiencies are addressed promptly.
Mobility and Data Collection
Inspectors often lack the tools to effectively collect data in the field and are forced to rely on clipboards or notebooks. Pervidi solves these challenges by providing inspectors with intuitive mobile applications that dramatically improve field activities. Combining handheld devices, software, and web portals, inspectors can perform their tasks faster, easier, and more accurately.
Easy to use
Can be used to automate ANY type of inspection
Can track any type of asset such as cranes, safety stations and devices, etc.
Completely eliminates paper
Integrated pictures/images and enables doodling/marking your pictures
Integrated barcodes (optional)
Includes electronic signatures and timestamps
Template creation tool allows you to incorporate your own checklists and templates
Focus on exceptions and ‘failures’
Pervidi enables you to automate your entire inspection process , including corrective actions, reminders, alerts and escalation procedures.
Improve Productivity
Pervidi significantly improves productivity and reduces operational costs, using the following components:
Software to automate all aspects of your maintenance, repair, field service, or inspections.
Smartphones to record results electronically
Triggers to automatically send email alerts and reminders.
Web portal to record data and view reports using any browser.
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To find out more about the digital safety inspections view the link below
– Benefits of Digital Safety Inspections
– Customer Satisfaction Through Paperless Automation
– How to automate your inspection process
Or learn more about Pervidi and our features
– Automation
– Features
– Pervidi’s Clients
– Inspection Software